Saturday, June 26, 2010

> you hang on 42nd st & do your homework in the bar

We don't count the blood we've drawn anymore,
We just stack the bodies outside the door

I say this about once a day but man I love Springsteen. The man's a poet all on his own. He'll need credits in my book for being part of my Muse. It's a complicated being all of its own.

Human Nature's website has taken up what seems to be the last week of my life. I'd like it to have more fans than it does but then again its early stages and I haven't yet begun my period of what I like to call "Shameless Self Promotion". I intend to though, so watch out for it. Now its set up and I can focus on finishing the proofreading. Am sure its getting longer than the manuscript itself.

Girlfriend Magazine ( yeah I know. Its shameless to read it when I'm 23) opened a competition for a Blogger, so I've entered it. It'll look good as my first credential on my writing resume. Besides the fact I think women and girls can always be told to believe in themselves more. We are the world and all that.

Saturday, June 12, 2010


Welcome to When The Revolution Comes